RPGM Completed Badass [Toothless T-Rex]

1.00 star(s) 2 Votes


Active Member
May 31, 2018
Publisher pages are used only, I think. Developer links just link to the publisher. That's why this game and Final Battle, obviously by the same developer, are listed as "Toothless T-Rex" and "Cherry Bloom", respectively.
Hm. The publisher name is something in Japanese, but it also links to the curator page. That's the thing that really makes me wonder. Do most small-time publishing houses promote themselves on Steam as Steam curators? I thought publishers had a different kind of page.

When I think "curator," again, I think of a person independent of game developers who gives recommendations. There's an obvious conflict of interest for a publisher to be acting as if they're an independent person recommending games. However, if the curator paradigm is just how Steam handles publishers (really haven't bothered to check, it just seems wrong), then there's nothing weird about it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
@brynhildr You know i would jump on the no sexual content argument! But I'm not the art is really good, its just a fun little game your probably not going to find despite no sexual content on just about most sites that aren't pirate since it is considered 'adult'! It's a nice find o_O


Oct 12, 2017
If the game includes cute loli character I can accept the no sexual content and just a few soft things like panty shots and head pats. But with grown up womans showing that much skins... is like peel an apple without eating it.


Jul 13, 2017
Yay for inclusiveness, I suppose?

I don't mind doing virgin runs (in fact I usually do them) but I like to binge on the H-content afterwards. I'm not sure what market this is appealing to.


New Member
Oct 4, 2017
Pretty fun combination of skills you can make between party members to become self sustained. A bit shame about no sex though.


Active Member
May 31, 2018
why is no sexuality content even uploaded or allowed?
Why not allow it? This game does have nudity, I think, and that constitutes adult gaming for at least some folks. It's probably about the softest thing on the site, but that's not necessarily a reason for it not to be here.

Heck, this site even has a "no sexual content" tag just so folks know ahead of time not to expect it. That's more warning than you'd get from looking at its Steam store page, since Steam considers nudity to be sexual content. Pretty sure ESRB and PEGI do, too.

It's arguable that the tag is intended to be used for games that don't YET have sex because they're too early in development, I guess, but I'd have to go look at the tagging guidelines to be sure if that's a valid point or not. Not that I'm going to do that.
Sep 12, 2018
Omg these comments are gold right now will try out these games later and thanks for taking time out of your schedule to upload this here xD


Jun 29, 2017
in all honesty, no sexual content should be a thread tag (like "completed" "rpgmaker" and such)

it's dissapointing finding good concepts OBVIOUSLY meant to be porn, but not porn.
at least don't make us click on them without our consent, that's rape and rape is bad, except in games


Compulsive Gambler
Jun 2, 2017
in all honesty, no sexual content should be a thread tag (like "completed" "rpgmaker" and such)

it's dissapointing finding good concepts OBVIOUSLY meant to be porn, but not porn.
at least don't make us click on them without our consent, that's rape and rape is bad, except in games
But instead you wasted your precious time to write this, instead of leaving when you clearly read the tag no sexual content.

Smart move, Sherlock. Truly.
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Aug 19, 2016
Is there at least implied sex in this game? Cause I'm fine with not seeing it as long as they did it off screen.
Feb 20, 2018
i mean i just played the game and it was fun even if there was no sexual content. I don't know why everyone is complaining about this. As they put the tag on their for warning so u can decide to play or not. I'm happy they put this up as it was a fun this to put time into. simple solution, don't like? then leave and find a game you like, if you find the concept interesting play it. i did not want to see the 'why is sexual content allowed' discussion in here, start that in a discussion thread.
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1.00 star(s) 2 Votes