RPGM - Completed - Badass [Toothless T-Rex]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    so....yea...i gave it my best. but i could not bring myself to even finish this.
    i'm not one of those . the game is bad just because it doesn't have sex people. that is incredibly stupid.
    but even if the experience had that. it would not have saved it from being horrible.

    first of all,the game is battle heavy. endless pointless battles. which are turn based.
    there are several dungeons in the game. and when you get to one. enemies appear on the map. they don't move. but a lot of the time it is a single lane passage. so you will need to defeat them to move on.
    after winning a battle you may notice a counter. 1/40 enemies. that do not respawn. (which isn't completely true,if you leave the dungeon before killing the written amount they will respawn. AND some are permanent either way)

    the task is optional but you are rewarded with all stat up boosts if you suffer through the monotony.

    dungeons are maze like, some have unavoidable poison damage while you travel...in the sewer (second dungeon) you actually need to trigger trigger a scene here and without any hint you are suppose to know you need to leave. backtrack to a previous area outside of the dungeon. to obtain an item to progress....this is just horrible padding on top of an already padded experience.

    you will find key items gear which you will NEED to access various parts of a dungeon. for example. the first dungeon you can find a pickaxe from a boss battle which is needed to destroy lava rocks.you need this weapon equipped. this will mean you will backtrack in every single dungeon to get what you want.

    the thing i play role play for. the story....which sucks...main character is a ridiculous asshole you doesn't treat his slave well .which makes no sense...you need to care about their health and well being for them to do anything for you. REAL PEOPLE CARE ABOUT WHAT BELONGS TO THEM!
    but he strait up refuses to even so much as provide basic needs for her! this isn't okay just because she is a slave!
    and the stupidity doesn't stop there. the main character is able to convince any girl in this world to do stupid things.
    it is mind blowing. he told a princess to come with him on a quest just to later tell her that she is useless. and she should become a housemaid (in a VERY LONG conversation) as an excuse to get her almost naked in an ICE CAVE...and if that isn't cringe inducingly bad enough...since you know...nobles are suppose to be educated...she signs a contract in this same moment...to be his servant for 37 YEARS.
    i can't make this stuff up!

    This experience is tedious, their is no sex rewards ,the story and characters are terrible. and this just constantly wastes your time.
    forgot not playing this. this shouldn't even exist.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    to make a good looking (at first glance) video game about buying a slave and forming a party, yet adding no sexual content besides somy nudity is an insult to the concept of developing a game, if your game is focused on something thematically, the mechanics should be harmonious with your theme.