VN - Ren'Py - Completed - The Reject Demon: Toko Chapter 0 [Prelude] [Lupiesoft]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Well, knowing their stunt during ahem...Steam's incompetence period, I do understand their troubles that they and others had at that time...but that doesn't excuse mediocre products/novels - but that's probably later, I'm talking about this one for now.

    So this game is a itself a setup for a future story related to some kind of demon who acquired a sudden bond with another human, yet about their "romance" and "love" while getting in troubles between their competitors/allies and their "holy" rivals, both having outwordly tricks like robotic dolls and unhuman brute minions, with supposedly mixtures of both at times...and it was very, very boring - I'll explain the entire "plot" now.

    The plot is well, some moronic demon fails to do their duty, gets to earth, becomes bonded with a human almost instantly and practically soulbound, while still acting as an annoying angst, fighting rival demons, which turn out to be teammates - and I barely remember the points after, aside from them getting in bed and sudden game end, not even credits.

    The game's technical aspect, I mean UI is fairly average, but what really makes it bad, is when the story transitions, it doesn't even try blackscreens! Yes, the story transactions are instantaneous, with characters speaking right away, with no sound design on buttons either. This makes story sequences feel awkward without a stable follow-up, considering when reading novels, you don't skip - but you still get that treatment, as if consistency doesn't exist.

    The voice acting, which is an optional paid DLC for this game, somehow makes everything even worse; the supposedly adult characters sound like teenagers, the others speak with excessive boredom that makes JC Denton cry in terms of quality like the narrator and others, the average writing be damned.

    On top of that, after the angel sequence, you get to so called "Siberia", which is actually a pocket dimension in a chicken hut, with a woman called "Baba Yaga" - which looks like a tan seductress...She doesn't even look or talk like an old woman of eastern origin, let alone folk tales, have they even try with being accurate and respectful to people of eastern cultures? She's an eyepatched barely clothed "witch" with a chicken also stereotypically called "Ivan", rather than an old sage with questionable moralities, who either helps or hurts the protagonists/villains/other characters in stories, which would be much more helpful in writing and worldbuilding, if they were creative. And respectful to people of eastern origin, like Russians.

    The art is well, only thing they are good at, their style, but considering how they use the animesque tropes and character actions in a supposedly Japan while having American burgers, it shows A LOT of special effect failures - from characters "moving" around but not really, lame battle sequences, and so on.

    Well, its short, takes 1-2 hours depending on reading speed, and I already had average to low expectations...if you like female on female relationship with no proper chemistry or sense, then its for you. For people who want to save their sanity and money on a actual good game, I would advise to stay away. And its one of the cases where the voice acting makes it even worse. Should be one of lessons on how not to make novels, put a better effort than a "world of ice and fire" reference in writing because you can't think of better options.