VN Others Completed Super Seducer 2 - Advanced Seduction Tactics [Final] [RLR Training Inc]

4.00 star(s) 3 Votes


Apr 12, 2019
Nah that's not porn. That's, quoting the "master/guru of seduction" (self-proclaimed) Richard La Ruina, a perfect guide on how to treat women and how to become the greatest seducer ever. Basically treating them lower than objects, tricking them to not have a choice but doing what you want (unless they want to insult themselves), and all that sort of things.
Also the guy has the maturity of a 5yo. I think it's in this game that he has a useless scene were he nukes a convention just to kill Youtubers that trashed his shitty "games", like James Stephanie Sterling (formerly Jim Streling) and the like.

Honestly, unless you want to see the depths of what dumbassery looks like, or keep thinking at all times "This is the example of what NOT to do", these games are just a waste of time, in my opinion.
At least, this being here means it's not making him any more money, which is a good thing. How can someone be tone deaf enough to not understand that the whole of the internet is mocking him...

Note : Sorry if that hot takes offended anybody, but I honestly consider the guy isn't deserving of anything but hatred...
its litteraly the point of the game, he nailed it


Mar 16, 2021
Dear Penthouse Letters,

You'll never believe what happened to me! I played Super Seducer 2 and learned all the finest techniques to trick hos. Suddenly the doorbell rang, and it was a guy who said he had a delivery of red pills for me. I washed them down with some Pabst Blue Ribbon and headed out to the Honky Donk Honkies Country and Western Bar (they have both!).

The place was so full of fine bitches it smelled like a Chick-Fil-A (most had all their teeth!), and with the techniques I learned from Super Seducer 2, they were soon hanging all over me - compliment them, then neg them, then slap them around a little, then flash a wad of $100 bills. It worked beyond my wildest dreams, women orgasming left and right till they had to haul out the 'Wet Floor' signs.

Before the night was over I'd committed all three types of NTR, conspicuously tipping the bartender big for wiping the jizz off the bar, and even though my sainted mother is dead and I'm an only child, I headed home for a night of incest with my Mom and a blood related big and little sister. On the way out I grabbed the number of an 800 year old pre-schooler Imma meet up with tomorrow - I impressed her by demonstrating my masterful command of playdoh.

And it's all thanks to Super Seducer 2! This stuff works! 11/10, would pirate again.

Chaddington Chadworth the Chad-th


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
its litteraly the point of the game, he nailed it
I'm sincerely hoping you don't mean that this "game" perfectly teaches you how to treat and "seduce" women. I'm all for for jokes and memes but this guy is actually serious, and that's terrifying to think that, in his sick mind, he's actually right on all accounts.


Jul 31, 2017
I think the best thing about these games is the dude looks like Jesus in modern clothes, so apparently step 1 to seducing the ladies is try to look as much like Jesus as possible.


May 17, 2018
You'll be surprised how many intellectuals we have here. The discussion here is DEEP and literally spoken to a spiritual level and back then i was like you saying "Look at these idiots fighting about NTR again" BUT then i noticed the passion bruh. Their IQ significantly increased while fighting about NTR and i was like DAMN. Here i thought the porn has rotted their brain but thats too DEEP and that's what she said ;). Take a step back my friend and appreciate the Autism and find the intellectuals of this site ;).
ah, the irony. a person passive aggresively talking about pretentious people, while being pretentious himself. gotta love it :KEK:


Nov 5, 2019
Played it and now, I can get women no problem! I'd rate this a 5/5 if I could, but I just realized it was my sister. Fuck you Super Seducer for ruining my life! 0/5


Honestly this game is fucking hilarious. Play it guys.
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Sep 28, 2019
ah, the irony. a person passive aggresively talking about pretentious people, while being pretentious himself. gotta love it :KEK:
Damn, the anger in you. How did you come up with the Pretentious people bit? I mean like your generalizing and that's bad like people with a brain can't be here. How did you come up with that realization without that much information. Anyways you'd be surprised to find smart people here btw, wouldn't say normal coz define normal lol.

I will shrug off your lack of tact and give you hugs "No Homo". Me? Pretentious? Well, maybe but not without reason since you pointed out the Irony since the Irony was manufactured. Again, hugs. Or "Smokes a fat blunt" are you one of the anti NTR movement? That would make sense given the aggression.


Aug 3, 2017
this game is glorious
There're some low hanging fruit/silly/crude humor in this but I had so much fun with it still. The chapter with chinese guy destroyed me. Unfortunately I think Super Seducer 3 is not as good. The new actresses are all worse and it's not as funny.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2017
It looks pretty much like the first one, so why has this been banned from Steam?


May 17, 2018
Damn, the anger in you. How did you come up with the Pretentious people bit? I mean like your generalizing and that's bad like people with a brain can't be here. How did you come up with that realization without that much information. Anyways you'd be surprised to find smart people here btw, wouldn't say normal coz define normal lol.

I will shrug off your lack of tact and give you hugs "No Homo". Me? Pretentious? Well, maybe but not without reason since you pointed out the Irony since the Irony was manufactured. Again, hugs. Or "Smokes a fat blunt" are you one of the anti NTR movement? That would make sense given the aggression.
my god, you going around fabricating anger now? ok rofl.
you wanna play around semantics and pretend you weren't being passive aggressive towards people discussing the meaning of a word?
you wanna pretend you don't think they're dumb and pretentious when they do?
you wanna pretend you weren't alluding at the fact you think those people are dumber than you are?
you think people can't read between the lines?
you think that isn't pretentious?

ok then, hopefully the world doesn't look too small on that high horse of yours lmao

also, i notice people like you, who get picked out like this, tend to bring the "umadbruh" clause often when you get defensive. you should try to be at least less obvious ;)


Jul 17, 2020
I think the best thing about these games is the dude looks like Jesus in modern clothes, so apparently step 1 to seducing the ladies is try to look as much like Jesus as possible.
I mean Jesus's kinda hot ngl
Mar 28, 2021
We are blessed by the magnificence that is Super Seducer 2. There's no sexual content in-game but with these tips, you'll be the one having some sexual content in real life. ;)
4.00 star(s) 3 Votes