Unity - Sombionic [v0.3] [Sombionic]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally a game with game mechanics not another VN or daz asset flip. The main character is very sexy and the way sex combat is done is something I see for a first time.

    More enemies and animations please! This is great and I gave it a wishlist.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Gameplay aspect:
    All the enemies you encounter there pretty much boring copy of eachother, who only run to you and try to hit you with long-hit animation, meaning there is no individual counter play to each other of them, just hit and run/shoot and run gameplay. That wouldn't be a problem if they had less hp, but infact, they have pretty much enough to eat all 2 of your magazines individually. Additionally, none of them have at the very least 2 attack types, like longer one/slower one/faster one, for you to adapt, forcing you to take them out by very slow pace.
    +Unnecessary long locations. If only that was worth it.
    Example: going back-and-forward again and again just to bring a rope, which gets you BACK to the place you've got there from. Half the meantime you spend in the **Location**, is you boringly crawling to see NOTHING, get the egg and place it in legitimately shit, running half the way back to spawn.
    Long-talk, BASIC tutorial you have to pass through in order to progress plot/storyline, which teaches you to walk with "WASD", shoot 50 STATIONARY TARGETS, whom spawn one-after-one only after you kill them (Taking you about 10 minutes just to do that).
    Note that this rating I placed for this game is the first game I wanted to rate, after a year being silent member of this community.
    Overall, the game is good, but gameplay aspect hurts you so much, you cant just ignore that, but have to suffer through.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I have to say the game itself is really interesting, my only problem is that combat it feels really janky and kinda hard to understand it took me while to understand it lol.

    Anyways the reason why I'm giving this a two stars is because majority of the content inside is locked and lmited. Again I don't like paywalled stuff and im pretty sure others will agree on this. I hope in the future the game won't be paywalled fully.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    My review is going to be a follow up of Matrixatp's review as the stuff he stated, I noticed too, but I would like to add on to his list of problems.

    Loading the game for the first time, you are greeted by very loud menu music. when adjusting the in game volumes, I noticed none of the volumes changed anything until I created a save file. This meant that in order for your settings to take place, you need to go through the lengthy (un-skippable) intro until you reach a checkpoint (auto save).

    During this intro, as Matrixatp has mentioned, it is started off with a comic-type screen that you need to mouse click and drag to go through (which is a bit buggy). You're then you're met with a black screen that has mostly no voice lines, asides from the Chinese voice line, the rest is just played out by subtitles at the bottom of the screen. All of this in the intro for the tutorial is un-skippable.

    The second lever you pull to get across the gap is covered in a slime, this is a misleading part as you get no text or prompt telling you to head back so a cutscene can play revealing your first weapon.

    As you walk through the level, all there is, is background music (which I prefer to play without) so everything is just silent. This is until you go inside the cave, followed by another un-skippable cutscene, in which you will encounter your first real enemy in a short cutscene. As the game had been completely silent up until this point with me playing without music, as soon as that enemy cutscene had ended , I was jump scared by battle music that could not be turned off.

    Having to constantly hold E on prompts, just to crawl through a dozen tunnels, made me lose my interest quickly as it then told me how slow paced and boring the experience was going to be.

    And now for the H-content, the first scene you come across is in the tutorial stage. This part confused me the most as its not exactly clear what you do in these scenes, it seems like its integrated as a type of fight mechanic. you have a few positions, rhythm matching and struggle mechanic to do along with two abilities you can use in this situation. The animation is fairly decent but as this content is what we're all here for, I can say that its not worth getting your hopes up for until further updates.

    With all that said, I believe there is room for improvement as it is only Version 0.01. If the Dev decides to stick with this project instead of abandoning it after 3 update like other games I have seen then I think this would be a decent project to keep an eye on and support.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Reviewed for 0.1 first release

    I'm sorry but this is just not the intro you want to something with this much potential. I'm sure the game itself is good and I'd be excited to see the sex battles, but I just never waited to get there. I may be being a bit too impatient, but I also don't think the f95 crew are particuarly interested in a 0.1 alpha demo introduction like they would be if they were starting baldur's gate or far cry, expecting to sink hours into it.

    5 minutes of unskippable story and mostly fluff "she's dying, she's still dying! Don't die! We need to stop her dying! She's not dead, we did lots of tech stuff". Should not take as long as it did.

    Finally, got the implant and into the tutorial. Again this could not be more long-winded...anyone and everyone knows that R reloads in these kind of games, or a simple R key prompt, it does not need two sentences to explain this, we know how shooter games work with RMB aim etc.

    Ok, on with the game right? Nope, now stand there and shoot 30, yes THIRTY stationary target dummies that only spawn once every 6 seconds, this could have been 5 enemies...what are you trying to teach the player by having this take so long?

    At this point I just closed the game. Maybe I would have stuck it out longer if it didn't keep saying "Just so you know, this is a preview" "seriously, does not represent the final product" "this option IS here!....but it's not in the game yet..." on 80% of things. So i didn't see the point in sticking it out just for a 5 minute glimpse of the very first H animation in a basic shooter package.

    This is the equivalent of someone doing a presentation, constantly apologising that it doesn't have much, keeps saying what WILL be in the presentation, but you won't be seeing it in this presentation, and then having everyone sit through reading a full T&Cs about the presentation before getting to it.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    A lot of things in this game need to be addressed.
    Starting with the good:
    Graphics and animation
    The bad:
    Hold E to interact - wasting time
    Long empty levels with nothing to do - more waste of time
    You can use the dash ability 3 times in a row but if you use it once after a few seconds it gets blocked and you need to wait for it to reset.
    Enemies can attack while I'm in the inventory menu
    If I die I lose the rifle and can't get it back
    I cannot light the first torch leading me to believe I'm not supposed to but I can light all the others and there's an achievement if you light a specific one
    And the worst of all: starting the game with unskippable text on a black screen and chinese narration...
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    So, first build out of the factory for Sombionic.
    Frankly I never even gotten out of the first half of tutorial mainly because of some issues. Some of these may seem like a skill issue on my side, but having to go through an unskippable cutscene of an intro, stuck afterwards with strictly timed dialogue, then dealing with 30 or so enemies spawning every other second (that implies completing that singular section alone TAS-perfectly takes at least a whole minute pausing and shooting), then doing that again with moving enemies just absolutely kills any semblance of pacing.
    As if that wasn't bad enough, it doesn't even bother to autosave (or even offer a manual save) when you start the tutorial, so if one has to leave the game... well, you'll have to trudge through all that again.
    And my dosh in a fist, why is it so slow? I could run MGSV and Far Cry well enough past the 60-frames point and this one is chugging at 20! sometimes even dipping into 5s in particularly bad sections; I do suspect a rather unstable handling of graphics at that point.
    As it is right now, I'd rather say to either let this cook or go find some other games first, it's not worth support as of yet; if the first build was any better, then investing into this one may very well be worth, but alas.

    P.S. for review readers: does anyone want to check the traffic network for this game???

    UPDATE: In the very least the dev seems willing to trudge through all the bad stuff said here and make changes here and there. Will update this review once I can re-justify downloading this.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The history of the game actually is pretty good like really.

    Graphic on unity used ? pfff the best i ever seen on this motor since the creation of unity.

    We need like 5 minutes to understand the combat scene its really nice and unique again.

    Unfortunately its a master class for me