RPGM - Completed - Okazu App [v1.0] [Galaxy Wars]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Despite the pretty high score, I found it really hard to fap to this. Not because it's a bad game, but because, legitimately, the MC is too precious and clueless. I just want to protect her.

    This isn't what I wanted scrolling down this site damnit.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    In terms of gameplay, there is no gameplay, you basically just choose the order in which to see events, and gathering money/corruption to unlock new events, one per day

    The trade off is controlled pacing and believable corruption, the dialogues are genuinely not bad for a hentai game, at the very least the heroine's actions make sense with her personality and predicament.

    For that alone, I'd say you can play it in entirety and not just unlock gallery because you will miss out on her arc. Even the events to get money and points to unlock skills are calculated so you don't see the same events too often.

    One complaint would be you wait too long to get to boning but once you do she is thrown into 2 gangbangs so the eventual tradeoff is not bad.

    And there is nothing to after the game, no repeatable events, be nice to just go around fucking everyone but instead you get one cutscene per npc with a conclusion to each arc, I'm not sure if one is supposed to think of them as different endings or if they are all canon at the same time, see as you deem fit I guess.

    The scenes themselves are drawn well and are quite arousing, none of them seem annoying too, surprisingly, it's not as if all the characters are gross perverts(besides the paid dating guy) as the heroine intentionally seduces them, so the author managed to make a corruption game without making guys around appear cruel, it is a breath of fresh air! Not to say I care all that much, but there is something sexy about the way this game does it.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    A typical game where you just run around collecting scenes with no actual gameplay behing it. Aka Monica's newlywedlife, but without fighting and virginity.

    -Good artstyle, sperm/dicks are comfortable to the eye, no extremely big boobs, around 15-20 actual scenes
    -Intuitively understandable where to go and what to do, no getting stuck.
    -Skippable opening

    -No gameplay, you just run around collecting scenes.
    -No corruption, you just collect all current scenes, level up and then start collecting a next batch of scenes.
    -UI is standard, nothing out of the ordinary hrpg, you can't even watch heroine's stats.
    -No virginity/blood loss
    -No kinky stuff, just vanilla scenes and 2 or so gangbang ones.

    Not worth. You might download it if you like vanilla stuff and want a quick fap, you will play for around 10-15 minutes, then get tired and download a full save file from here and look at the gallery scenes. I recommend going to boorus instead.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is developed extremely tightly and logically, it doesn't feel forced or unreasonable but completely natural.
    The way to corrupt protagonist is slow but that's deserve for the next event coming - slow corrupted but some how still keep you interested.

    Story 10/10
    Art 8,5/10
    Sound 8/10 (where's my ero sound??)
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    The art is ok, gameplay almost non-existent. I wouldn't say there's any visible corruption at all, the h-events are just leveled up and that's it.

    No consequences to the heroine becoming more promiscous, you just collect the scenes.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Slow burn corruption that is not NTR? and you guys cal it a CG Hunt? Lmao, its a CG earn, like any female protag corruption game.

    The map and exploration is somewhat small but not from the lack of content or lazy design, its as necessary as it means to be for a game of this genre without letting you aimlessly wonder to find hidden interactions for long.

    Protagonist starts off as a mere forced into exposure shy cute introvert girl game into a full blown cheeky virgin destroyer which is still yet innocent at heart (somehow?). Regardless, the art is flawless with a lot of scenes!

    You can kinda keep her pure but I haven't finished it at the time of review to accumulate 1000 points

    Translation's great too, game is really fun to read and kills a lot of time (Unlike a CG Hunt, that accusation prompted this review)
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Even though i really enjoyed this game, I can't give it 5 stars for a few reasons: there's no actual gameplay and even if the slow corruption is fine, it's a little bit too slow for me. Luckily you can skip most of the text without feeling lost or loosing your sense of direction because the game holds your hand through the whole experience.

    Walking all over the map might not be the most fun, but at least is a well presented CG collector with nice art, though again, you gotta be prepared for the slow corruption.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great corruption story. As a game it isnt as good.

    Basically amounts to running around collecting the scenes, or trying to collect enough money to collect the item to collect the scene.

    Theres very clearly only certain story beats, dont expect some of the nicer little opportunistic scenes from other games, or a clothing selector or anything like that. Walk to the highlighted character to view their scene.

    That said the art is nice and the corruption escalates at a good gameplay pace.

    Excellent as a h-adventure, not so much if you wanted to play a game - If you removed the H the game would just be an empty city filled with NPCs that say one line.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    A pretty high-quality female MC RPGM corruption game. Has the usual goods and bads.... the main problem of course being that the takeoff is very slow, with there being hours of escalating teasing before encountering any meaningful reward.

    That said, I liked the MC's progression a bit more than other games in this genre. She is naive but she isn't purely taken advantage of by other characters, and she both understands and learns to navigate the various situations she's in. Like other games, there are essentially a discrete set of routes being navigated but all of these involve kinda different roles - "mommy domme", "sugar baby", "girlfriend", "onee-san", "friend group slut", "friends' hot daughter", "lewd camgirl".. maybe a couple others that I've forgetting too. She deals with different roles in different ways and it's nice to appreciate her being a bit versatile, rather than just a naive girl who gradually is turned into a mindless fuckdoll.

    I will add that the ending is sorta underwhelming, it just kinda.... is there. Also there's censorship, which sucks.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. I love the artstyle.
    I love slow corruption games like these and the MC development is great too. Starts of shy but becomes lewd and a lot more confident.
    Easy game, can 100% it in about 4 or so hours. The only downside is that the level 7 scenes (after completing the Okazu App) are short and not as good as the earlier levels.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The game was really fun with good scenes, a slow progression that kept me interested, and a wholesome (relatively speaking) story that felt light hearted and fun. The ending feels a little lack luster, but overall a great game. Definitely recommend.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Very solid game with some unique kinks and scenes compared with your usual "corruption" type game, with a surprisingly wholesome end. With that said, the payoff at the end of some of the quest lines was a little lacklustre, both in terms of the Level 7 scenes being really short and the post-game scenes feeling half-done. The "streamer" end was barely present at all, for example. I think the developers might have run out of time.

    Overall a strong 4/5. Cute protagonist, good progression, interesting scenes and a fun premise.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Very fun CG collector with slow burn progression. Kinda like in Princess of Zeven or Star Knightess Aura it takes hours to get actual sex scene, but the path there is great.

    There is no actual gameplay, which after many pointless grinding in HRPG was a nice break. At first I thought there will be some management to it due to limited time, but at some point it's clear you can't really make mistakes here.
    Art is very clean and cute. CGs are often reused and have no backgrounds , but each new scene has always at least one new CG and have very consistent quality.
    Overall the story is very simple and resolves around the girl doing more and more extremes things, but they still are very much vanilla. Good summer game just to relax as dialogues are always trying to be wholesome.

    Unfortunately it's still a Japanese game, so it suffers from things caused by their way of making these games. While it's pretty long, it always stays within its scenarios. You can't interact with the world, NPCs never do or say anything new. Story never changes it's track. You are presented some scenarios and for the rest of the game you just unlock new scenes in them.

    Especially near the end it seems like developer had to speed up production and the ending is not satisfying. You get one additional short scene for each scenario, but that's it. Nevertheless no resources were wasted on some pointless content, so it's clear these issues of "there could be more" are just budget issues.
    For a moderately small scope with clear target group it's a great game/CG collector
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my jam.

    - Cute MC
    - No combat
    - Great premise
    - Corruption is slow and measured

    Cons (these didn't bother me much):
    - No animation
    - No yuri

    There is great direction if you're confused on where to go, and the translation is excellent.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Rebeca H.C

    It is a very good game, it has a slightly confusing system but nothing out of this world.
    The only bad thing is that once you do the events there is no possibility of doing them again in the game. But you can see them in the collection room.
    There is no level 5 in the cell phone prostitution event, so for me it took that event to conclude the cycle of selling the body.
    The story is good. It has a very good drawing quality, the mechanics are a little confusing. I finished the game in around 2 hours and in my case I did catch the game.
    In more summary terms I give it a 9.5/10.
  16. 1.00 star(s)



    After seeing so many good reviews, I gave this game a try. Oh boy, another game which tries to have a "funny" story.
    We have our MC is a gloomy and lonely girl who wants to make plenty of friends. And the best way the dev find to achieve it is? To become a slut! Or how they call it in the game a "fap material" for boys and ONLY for boys. Because girls never fap, of course. They wait for a sex addict rapist to rape them and get it off.

    I just can't turn off my brain while playing an eroge which is throwing so many shits per second at me.
    We play as a girl but the only things she talks about, her and the Fucking Succubus who forced her to become a "fap Material", are boys, boys, boys, boys, dicks, cocks, boys, boys like this, boys like that, having a penis is so hard for them, you must help them and blah blah blah...... So tiring. It's not like the internet is the best way to find porn for FREE!

    I didn't even have the chance to try the "game". At least, the MC is cute.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I love it.
    The art is fantastic, the story is weird by the beginning, but starts making sense when you progress...
    You have a nice corruption progress based on "confidence", so... the girl doesn't suddenly becomes a dumb slut, she just gets a little bit more naughty, while keeping some shyness, and then finally releases a little bit of it...
    The game could be better in some aspects, but deserves a 5* as we're living in a bad time for new good games of this genre.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a corruption game at its core, and it doesn't disappoint in that department. The game knows how to take it's time for the most part. Honestly could've done without the super natural part, it really could've just been a slice of life and it would've felt slightly more organic that way. Regardless, I think the story is done fairly well.

    The gameplay is where the game falls short in some ways. This definitely falls under "walking simulator" with no real choices, since you pretty much have to do every single event to progress. And that's really the biggest shortcoming of this game for me, the freedom. I understand that story and freedom can be a bit of a give and take but this game has essentially no freedom to speak of. Like sure you can do the scenes in different order sometimes, but you still have to do them, and they're gonna progress the same way every time. Also the game explicitly tells you the requirements for each scene which kind of spoils what the scene contains.

    But all that aside, the scenes are pretty good, the characters are likable, and the H content is solid. So really, I can't knock it too hard. Good pick for corruption fans.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    I like her expressions and reactions, and the art is good, but...

    Well, like some other reviewers have said, I share a similar sentiment in that I'm likewise not sure if I'd call this game corruption. It's more like the story of a withdrawn girl who interacts with other men that are similar to her in terms of personality, in order to break out of her shell and not be a "loser".

    The classmate is also a loner or a shut in.
    The shota is kind of a wimp and makes up fibs to fit in.
    The 3 manga club members are all also nerds.
    The guy on the phone can't talk to women.
    The man she dates is the only one with half a spine, but compared to others he has less interactions if I'm not mistaken.

    It takes around 4, maybe 5 or even 6 hours to get to the sex, depending on how quickly you're able to figure out the game's progression & how fast you read. The reason why I said that I wouldn't call it corruption, at least not in the traditional sense, is because she's the one who's actively engaging the men and pursuing all of the debauchery and not the other way around. She's never forced or pressured into anything, aside from the premise itself being the gimmick that if she doesn't get 1000 men to fap to her, she'll be lonely for life.

    But that never feels like a meaningful or persuasive motive for her to suddenly do a 180 on her entire life, which until now she's lived in relative friendless seclusion. It really isn't compelling and it feels like an overused plot device. Think about it. She's forced to choose either A) or B), and since she chooses A), that she'll go along with it and do lewd stuff in order to not get cursed to remain alone for the rest of her life, it stands to reason that at that point she slipped on a banana peel that she placed herself and the end result will be her riding many dicks. Where's the corruption in that?

    Although like I said, the reactions are good, especially of the sprite outside of CGs, the way the progression is handled leaves much to be desired. She's the one doing all of the events, she's the one engaging all the men, she's never approached, no event is about someone taking initiative (technically), and her reactions as she becomes ever "lewder" don't seem to match her lewdness. It's like some kind of dissociation between the art and the text, where it doesn't match at all. Initially she's way more embarrassed about minor things like flashing her panties, but as she gets more and more used to it, she becomes way more open to sex even though she says that it's super embarrassing, she doesn't show it. The reactions remain either similar to her initial embarrassed stuttering introverted self, or they become even weaker!

    And I'm not even referring to her slut mode, after she becomes a professional dick rider. No, this happens midway, before any kind of sex even happens. The game's also very formulaic and doesn't really showcase her as lusting over men. She's either embarrassed or focusing on her mission to get the men to jerk off to her in order to fulfill her quota, rather than pursuing self gratification. While she does display some arousal, she never gets outright horny or shows particularly strong desire for the opposite sex. It all always comes back to the initial plot device, forcing her into it.

    At all times the game feels like "it couldn't be helped", and because she's an introvert interacting with other introverts, it takes a while for anything meaningful to happen since neither her nor the men are particularly proactive once engaged in an event. It's almost like she's dating all of them, in essence it being some kind of vanilla game. It never feels like she's just used or abused. Everyone's too understanding and I remain unconvinced.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    4,4 for me.

    The game is pretty good, the main story is a little fantasy but the dialogues between the characters are really good made. The art is very provocative, i really like it.

    The gameplay is very regular, i didnt feel it like a RPG, it was more like a renpy or VN where you can select which scenes have firts. It's not something i dislike that much, but i feel too restricted, and i think the basis of a RPG is having the freedom to act and decide, the ability to skip certain scenes or steps or not. You can not skip anything until H lvl 6. Moreover, you can get stuck if you dont do all the interactions in the firts 4 lvls.

    It would take some time to get to the sex scenes, but they really worth it.
    It's a corruption game with a different kind of play mode, something interesting to sayhow much less

    4.4 para mí.

    El juego es bastante bueno, la historia principal es un poco fantasía pero los diálogos entre los personajes están realmente bien hechos. El arte es muy provocador, me gusta mucho.

    La jugabilidad es muy regular, no se sentía como un RPG, era más como un renpy o VN donde puedes seleccionar qué escenas tienes primero. No es algo que me disguste tanto, pero me siento demasiado restringido, y creo que la base de un RPG es tener la libertad de actuar y decidir, la capacidad de saltar ciertas escenas o pasos o no. No puedes saltarte nada hasta el nivel H 6. Además, te puedes quedar atascado si no haces todas las interacciones en los primeros 4 niveles.

    Llevaría algo de tiempo llegar a las escenas de sexo, pero realmente valen la pena.
    Es un juego de corrupción con un tipo de modo de juego diferente, algo interesante para decir cuánto menos.