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Unity - Completed - Isekai Janken Hero [Final] [BFGS]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    What i could say about this game it was very short has some animations and is just for the Art style tat i ot giving it a solid 0,5.
    the story was pretty meh gameplay too. 1,5/10
    (sorry for my bad english)
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    A handful of short, polished sex animations, interspersed with generic plot and mindless gameplay.

    Standard isekai excuse plot: you appear in another world, gain OP powers for no reason, and defeat hot monster girls who are then obliged to have sex. Nothing new or interesting, but at least it's brief. The characters are all stock archetypes, nothing interesting there either.

    Gameplay is a complete waste of time, in the sense that it's both random and - with the slightest bit of logic - literally impossible to lose. It's all you can do to sit back and wait for the game to decide it's wasted enough of your time.

    Your reward for slogging through this tedium is a small number of animated sex scenes. They look nice enough - the art is nice and the animations are smooth. But they're very short, vanilla, and have little variety.

    Overall, an inoffensively mediocre game. It doesn't do anything particularly well or try anything new, but the smut is ok and it's short enough to overlook its shortcomings.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    All you do is spam scissors and put all your stat points into scissors, then you win and get to see fight-win sex scenes with 5 girls. Its so basic but I mean if you wana see some decently animated sex scenes go for it.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    If the art wasn't so good in this game it'd be a 1/5 but luckily the art is at least nice. Everything else is terrible. There's really no story here, no real characters, the gameplay is confusing and horribly communicated. Its honestly just a worse experience overall than just watching/reading hentai.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Basic game for basic people.

    Story 2/10

    You get hit by a truck. You get isekai'ed. You got told to save the world. You get given a janken power. You defeat everyone. Goddess is evil and you defeat her. Game done.

    The game barely even tries to write a story.

    Gameplay 2/10

    So you play janken or some version of it. When playing you need to match into a slot or your move doesn't count but so does your opponent. Who often doesn't. Rock > Scissors > Paper > Rock. When you win you get some points to put into extra power, health, etc.

    That being said, the game's stupid. Always play scissors and you'll never lose. Scissors is attack. If you tie, then nothing happens. If opponent plays rock, they heal. If opponent plays paper, they block your attack. Why do any other move than scissors?

    Art 7/10

    I love bakunyuu. And the art is very generous in this game.

    Although the Live2D wasn't that well done. They animated the fox girl's face to waver and that just looked weird.

    Overall 3/10

    A basic fap game. The art is decent but the game is crap. Again whenever this happens I question, what's the point of the game? Just make a doujinshi hentai or something.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I should've known what I was getting into installing this game but the art made me forget that I was about to play rock, paper scissors. Developers should be strung up by their toes if they think this kind of combat is any kind of fun, especially if the enemy can HEAL. This draws out the battle way longer than it needs to be.

    Pros: Art looks good

    Cons: Tedious combat
    Milk toast story
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    You and me both have seen these types of games too many times:
    -Braindead gameplay
    -Basic character interactions with barely any plot
    -Decent designs and animations

    Not sure whether you could\should call this a game, but I fapped
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    As others have said, the gameplay system is pretty easy. Just put all points into scissors and spam it during fights, and you will win every time. After the first fight it becomes ridiculously easy, with only taking one or two hits to KO an enemy until the final boss, when it takes 4 or 5.

    Overall a good game though, simple story with good art and animations. Only thing holding it back is it is short and simple, but that is not necessarily a bad thing.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Blorg dog

    The game can be summarized quite well by saying "good porn, boring gameplay but short so you don't really care".

    And I do mean short, you can beat the game in like 30 minutes with no issue, but it has around 16 different well drawn and well animated CGs with VA.

    If the previews caught your eye, it's worth it. Just take all level up points into scissor and spam it and you'll never lose. Fap, and call it a day.