VN - Unity - Completed - Fluffy Store [v19.09.10 and DLC's] [AsicxArt - SakuraGame]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Works and no glaring issues

    +1 (+1 more if you really into moe)
    Great MOE (Cute wholesome bits)

    poor ui/controls/options
    (Mainly skip doesn't properly exist more of a old slow fast forward on ctrl key only).
    (Also seems they sold separately the cute extra what should have been in base or least added to main game -> lets you go to a dressing room and click their sprites for reaction *cough*neko para*)

    Basic with a bit to much filler content
    (fast forward a fair bit as if you have read VNs / watched anime enough there nothing special and some mid bits are just boring).

    To few CGs
    (has like 4-1 ratio of the ugly quickly drawn bits instead of proper CGs and the proper CGs only have think 2 minor ecchi (shower/panty))

    Overall if you into good voices, watches ears twitch, and MOE above all =
    Enjoy this

    if Not
    Skip not that worthwhile

    -(also doesn't technically belong here as there 0 things adult about it, it even more the lines ends on a childlike way of Friends and the couple ecchi cgs are not that much).
    I am fine with it being here personally just pointing out that it has no adult content to point it even child safe
    *Note* for the extreme parents (has wine drinking >_> I guess but even religion groups have younger drink so .. ).