RPGM - Completed - Final Battle [Cherry Bloom]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Didn't like the game single bit, dropped after several hours of playing.
    Art is alright, but didn't see no porn within these several hours of gameplay lol.
    Gameplay is kinda meh, the battles on Hard difficulty were challenging but fair and that's probably the one single thing I found good in this game.
    Story isn't particularly exciting, but the characters are written quite abysmally, especially the MC. He won't shut the fuck up about how hot the girls around him are, yet, as I said, the game seems to have so little porn that I didn't happen to see it.
    And without ecchi scenes, a good story, and good characters, what else is left? Walking at slow speed between the battles? No thank you. The game could have been so much better, and I hope the developers will see to their flaws if they decide to make another game.