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VN - Others - Completed - Clothed Bondage SLG - Nawanokagura SE [Final][Teahouse Murakumo]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    This is more of a bondage CG gallery with extra steps than an actual game. The gameplay functions like a escape game with puzzle-like mechanics: it can be quite difficult in the later scenarios because each move has to be correct or you will get in unescapable bondage. Yeah, the bondage is good. Quite boring I have to say but the artist is very good at drawing cute girls in bondage poses. The Game-overs are boring as well. Anyways not worth to play, just unlock all the CGs, even with the good translation.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    9 character scenarios all with the same base template gameplay. Shit happens, you're bound and you've got a certain number of turns to reduce that bound level down to 0. Game is turn base where you select an action to reduce the bound level down to 0. The guy will watch you for a bit and leave and repeat. Some actions will trigger reactions from the guy while he's there, and certain bondage types will inhibit you in slightly different ways.

    That said, it's the same base gameplay for all 9 scenarios so the loop more or less is going to be identical, and there's no real h to this outside of being bound. Not much to it, the file does come with a full save which has everything unlocked. You can delete it if you want (nawanokagura_se_sf.sav) but there's no real point since the game doesn't seem to have any real progression.

    edit: I missed the VN tag, though as a VN it still ain't great. Guess you can technically treat it as 9 extremely short stories.