RPGM - Completed - 9 Months With Ellie [V1.0] [Hellbrain]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This dev gets it. No, really, as someone who is into pregnancy, they really get it.

    Granted, the 'no sexual content' tag maybe off-putting to a lot of people even maiesiophiliacs who are more interested in the impregnation process so I don't blame them for dismissing this game.

    If you're like me though, a person that's probably browsed through nearly every game on the 'pregnancy' tag to find that one game that goes the whole nine yards instead of just insta-preg one frame, pop it out later, this game fits the bill.

    The game itself is short and simple enough: You play as this OL named Ellie, who decides to get artificially inseminated on a whim, and spend 9 months with her. That's it. There's no combat, no special mechanics. Just a few events here and there with the odd collectible hidden coin that grants you a special ending.

    It sounds boring, and it kind of does after a few replays, but there's just something about watching her belly swell gradually, how she feels and reacts, how the pregnancy is affecting her and the struggles once she reaches the final trimester, that just appeals to me. The pregnancy turning out to be multiples (that isn't just a number on a counter) is a nice bonus that is exceedingly rare to find in porn games.

    The only other games I can think of that has this appeal and also has sexual content are Hazumi and the Pregnation and Violated Heroine.

    Hence, why I think it deserves 5 stars. To me, this is already better than games that have poorly implemented pregnancy mechanics or those that have a few CGs depicting pregnancy and decide that's good enough to slap the tag on it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    It's short but fun. It's got a lovely, likeable protag. I loved the B ending. A great teas-y game to play over a lunch break. I'm a fan of this style and I'd love to see more of it (especially from this dev).
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoy this game. Kinda short but the art is great. I hope to see more in the future from Hellbrain. It would be nice if it had more gameplay aside from just walking around in a point and click but it was still fun to play.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    A cute pregnancy game, though meant more for those of us with a casual pregnancy kink, it was a simple yet enjoyable progression game to play.
    Not a lot of games that center around pregnancy as is.
    [breeding and impregnation doesn't count.]
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is just about a girl that gets pregnant, nothing more, i would call it a demo 0.01, nothing funny to do or to choose. or use the "money" you get. Don't waste your time with this. The idea is fine, a light-heart pregnancy game with a normal girl, without rape or cheating, or monster. that's cool, tha's why i download it but found a really boring game.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    While this game is a heaping mess of missed potential, especially given the artists talents (and that finding good games featuring pregnancy is sooo hard), it does what it set out to do, and it does it very well. Is it kinda disappointing? Yeah. Would I like to see this concept fleshed out more? Absolutely! The art is really cute, and the gameplay is simple and straight forward. There isn't much here to critique, but if you like the pregnency theme enough to skip the sex part, I'd still reccomend giving this it's 20 minutes of play.