VN - Others - Completed - Peach Syrup! [July] [Bunnybits]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Alright game. Not a lot there. Was hoping more to develop story wise as you do get some back story here and there but it just ends abruptly which is kinda disappointing.

    I wonder if the dev. had more planned but decided to cut it short as there is 'skip choices, videos and voices' settings. Unless that's just unused GUI.

    I still think there's a lot of potential for more and would like to see a sequel, additional content update or something of the sort.

    For now though it's an average/alright VN.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Decent art, no actual game play or sexual content other then nudes, implied at best. If there was more actual content it would rate hire, probably 15 minutes of actual game play. Would be cool to see what comes from this.