RPGM How to make a proper 2D character?(I may not know the exact terms to make the title more subtle.)

Apr 25, 2024
Hello , I would like to learn to make a Character for RPG MZ. I have started learning to draw on Krita for some days , And the art is "okay" if I say so myself. Following are the questions/queries I have .Spoiler : There's a lot!

NOTE : The first game will be more like your run of the mill RPGM game with graphics/style somewhat similar to NTRMAN(I think that's what my style is, At least for the time being :D ).

1.Am able to draw a character in a single pose , How do I make it in different poses with minimal effort?
2.What all is needed to make a character ready to use in the game , Some of the terms I know are
-Character Sheet - To get the Basic Idea of the Character (As a noob , I don't see why I should make it ? What's the use of it ?)
-Expression/Mood Sheet - The Character In various expressions. Like Happy , Sad , Neutral , Etc.
3.I believe not many people appreciate a RPGM game with pixel-animations (for H-Scenes) instead of CGs , Even though I personally think that they do got a certain charm , How should I approach drawing a H-Scene? From what I have observed , There are not many CGs made for a single scene , Generally three are made , One in Initial Position , then one is made a bit blurred to depict motion and the third sets the stage for the next scene (almost).
4. Something more you would like to add would really help me! (Any help to draw H-scenes would be great , As am pretty clueless on how to do it at the moment and keep the character looking same.)

Am at-least "hoping" to make the game pocket size with "not-so-disappointing" amount/quality of content for my first ,and release it here asap. I have also attached a character face I made from scratch and as you can notice , Slapped on to a character body I made in RPG MZ's character creator. You may humble me any way you want :BootyTime: